Law refers to the system of rules that governs human behavior and shapes politics, economics, history, and society. These laws are enacted by social institutions, including the legislature, executive, and courts.
Definition of Law:
A legal rule is a general rule that is backed by the sovereign power of a state. It is a uniform and definite rule of conduct that applies equally to all the members of that particular state.
It is a rule of a government or a society, which deals with certain activities and situations such as crime, trade, social relations, property, and finance. It helps in the control of behavior and also resolves the conflicts between people.
The term Law is derived from the Latin word Lex, which means “rule” or “law”. It is a rule laid down for the guidance of an intelligent being by an intelligent being having power over him.
Laws are imperative or mandatory, commanding what shall be done; prohibitory, restraining from what is to be forborn; or permissive, declaring what may be done without incurring a penalty.
The concept of Law is generally divided into four principle classes: Natural law, the law of nations, public law, and private or civil law.
In interpreting law, lawyers and legal theorists often resort to rules of interpretation called canons of construction. These are a combination of conventions, maxims, principles and authorities that lawyers believe to be correct but which are sometimes inconsistent or inconclusive.