Technology plays an important role in science, engineering, and everyday life. It refers to a set of processes, tools, and techniques used to achieve a practical goal. These tools include software, hardware, and physical devices. The technology may come from a wide variety of fields and applications.
In the field of science, it is often used to describe a process, tool, or technique that is a result of research. This research can include a study of the movement of electrons in electrical conductors.
When it comes to business, technology is a broad term that encompasses computer systems, networks, and telecommunications. Businesses use technology to stay competitive, to deliver services, and to create new products. Business technology involves a wide range of applications, including E-commerce, digital marketing, and data management.
For example, mobile phone companies make new electronic devices. They gain a competitive edge by using high-end technology. Other examples include GPS, a global positioning system, which can pinpoint the location of a person, object, or vehicle from satellites in earth’s orbit.
Likewise, communication technology is used to communicate information and express emotions. A variety of tools are employed in this area, including cameras, projectors, microphones, and speakers.
Engineering is a process that involves the use of results from science to create tools, machinery, and equipment. Modern technologies require complex manufacturing techniques and organizations.
The relationship between technology and society is often characterized as co-dependent, synergistic, or symbiotic. Historically, the relationship began at the dawn of humankind.