Religion is a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations that relate humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements.
A primary definition of religion is a traditional system of symbols, practices, and narrative that expresses a group’s common view of life’s ultimate value, purpose, and meaning. Some substantive definitions of religion emphasize a belief in a higher power, such as god or other supernatural forces that have a governing effect on human lives, although this can be too exclusive.
Religiousness has been shown to lead to better general health habits and lower rates of smoking and alcohol consumption, as well as a greater likelihood of undergoing regular medical screenings. This is in part because of the teachings of many religions, which often focus on how to care for the physical body.
Another important benefit of religiousness is the sense of community it offers. People in religious communities are more likely to reach out and help when they need it, which can be especially helpful during difficult times.
Religion also helps in promoting and progressing all of the basic human values, such as respect for others, kindness, generosity, and responsibility. This can lead to less instinctive animal behavior, such as murder or stealing, as well as more thoughtful choices, such as being honest with yourself and questioning your own actions.